NKR Prime Minister’s New Meetings In Armenian Community Of America


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
November 24, 2009

On November 23, NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan had a meeting
with the members of the ARF Central Committee of West America at the
head of the Central Committee representative Avetik Izmirlyan.

At the meeting issues concerning the Karabakhian-Azerbaijani conflict
settlement, Armenian-Turkish relations and the Homeland-Diaspora
cooperation were discussed.

The Head of the Government underlined that the permanent development of
Artsakh represents a most important basis for the consolidation of the
Armenian statehood and all the national parts of the Armenians should
unanimously contribute to this process. In this term Ara Haroutyunyan
attached importance to the restoration of Shoushi which, in its turn,
is a central point in the fortification of Artsakh.

The Leader of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, Secretary of the Information Department
of the NKR President’s Office Davit Babayan, the permanent NKR
representative to the USA Robert Avetisyan participated in the meeting.

The same day the NKR delegation at the head of the Prime Minister
visited the national college of Vahan and Anoush Shamleyans and met
with the teaching staff and students of the college.

Ara Haroutyunyan highly appraised the role of this institution in the
nationally Armenian education of the younger generation underlining
that school is the very centre where the creation of the future of
the nation begins.

The Prime Minister signified the longstanding relation of the college
with the secondary school of Ashan emphasizing it as a striking
example of Homeland-Diaspora cooperation.

* * *

On November 23, Ara Haroutyunyan visited the Western Diocese of the
Armenian Apostolic Church of North America and met with the Leader
of the Diocese Archbishop Hovhan Terteryan, representatives of the
parochial church council and the Armenian community.

The Prime Minister presented the NKR social and economic state,
the present-day phase of Karabakhian-Azerbaijani conflict settlement
and the process of various programmes implemented in Shoushi to the
participants of the meeting.

In his speech about Homeland-Diaspora relations Ara Haroutyunyan
underlined the role of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the future
development and extension of these relations, in the consolidation of
the independent Armenian statehood and in the process of preservation
of the Armenian nationality in Diaspora.

The same day Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan met with the benefactor
Isaac Vardanyan as well.

During the meeting issues related to the construction programmes to
be implemented in Artsakh were discussed.

Ara Haroutyunyan expressed his gratitude to Isaac Vardanyan for his
permanent assistance to Artsakh and expressed his hope towards their
active cooperation in future as well.