President Serzh Sargsyan says no encroachment on NKR to be allowed

President Serzh Sargsyan says no encroachment on NKR to be allowed
13:29 28/11/2009

During his address at the ARP 12th Congress today the Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan referred to the Armenian-Turkish
normalization and Nagorno-Karabakh settlement and once again
reconfirmed that the Armenian-Turkish normalization assumes no

President said that the Armenian-Turkish normalization doesn’t mean
suspension of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
but just vice versa, the normalization will contribute to the earliest

In his address Serzh Sargsyan highlighted that in the normalization
process we should be very resolute.

President said NKR is for the peaceful regulation of Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict and the Armenian party will allow no encroachment on
Karabakh, and in case of the latter, harsh measures will follow.

`Both with Turkey and Azerbaijan Armenia’s national and state
interests will be a priority and above all,’ President said.

Serzh Sargsyan also referred to Armenia’s inner-political,
social-economic and other issues.