Opening Of Armenia-Turkey Border Is Impossible Until Liberation Of A


Dec 1 2009

Day.Az interview with non-party member of Turkey’s Grand National
Assembly (parliament) Ahmet Tan.

Day.Az: How do you assess the Armenia-Turkey protocols on normalization
of relations?

Ahmet Tan: The Justice and Development Party (AKP) government is now
in a difficult situation. It intended to implement dramatic changes
in Turkey’s domestic and foreign policy, but got into difficulties.

I think a factor of Azerbaijan could not be considered in this
respect. However, Azerbaijan responded fairly to ongoing processes.

The Turkish public also expressed its strong indignation. No one in
Turkey, except the government, welcomed this process.

I am confident that the promises made to Azerbaijan and Turkish nation
will be kept. However, the very vague situation can not last long. We
will witness continuation of the "protocol process" soon.

Q: When do you think the Armenia-Turkey border will open?

A: Opening of Armenian-Turkish border is impossible until resolution of
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Establishing relations and assistance
to the state which has seized territory of a neighboring country
is contrary to international principles and instruments adopted by
the UN. The UN founding documents clearly indicate boundaries of the
member countries and call for international sanctions against states
that try to change these boundaries by force.

No international sanctions have been adopted against Armenia so far.

Only Turkey decided to exert pressure on Armenia by closing the
borders. It is unreasonable to refuse sanctions until the occupation
is put an end.

On the other hand, the Armenia president and other country officials
have stated that establishing relations with Turkey does not mean
abandoning "genocide" claims. Armenia does not even think about
changing the item in its constitution about territorial claims to
Turkey. I am confident that neither the U.S. nor the EU nor Armenia
welcomed this move by Turkey as goodwill. On the contrary, they only
hardened their positions and tried to come up with new conditions.

They try to use Turkey as a bridge to Armenia.

Q: What will happen next once the parliament puts the protocols
on agenda?

A: We will do our utmost to prevent the protocols from being ratified.

The outcome of events that can happen after the protocols get into
parliament is impossible to predict. AKP has a parliamentary majority
and could seek to ratify the protocols. But the AKP is afraid to do
it. They understand that they risk much. Non-party and opposition
MPs said the government that they are not concerned over difficulties
experienced by Armenia.

Q: Why the West protects Armenia’s interests so zealously?

A: The EU is talking much talk about freedom of conscience. But,
in fact, there are many who share position of Christian fundamentalism.

Their demands to Turkey are unfounded and are nothing but a
manifestation of Christian brotherhood. Despite all the problems,
they admitted the Greek Cyprus to the EU. They created a theocratic
state Vatican in Rome. Now they are trying to create something similar
in Istanbul. The West pompously marked establishment of the Armenian
Patriarchate in Istanbul. They encourage Armenia and its claims in this
way. Inter-religious confrontation is the main point in this respect.

The whole world would long ago have been on alert if Armenia were in
Azerbaijan’s place. Why does the West, which seeks "global justice",
turns a blind eye to how nearly a million people live in intolerable
conditions? Today one of the main goals of Europe is Armenia’s
participation in regional energy projects and improving economic
situation in this country.

Q: Do you believe the Karabakh conflict will be resolved through
mediation of international organizations? Can plan of the phased
conflict settlement bear fruits?

A: I was a member of Turkish delegation to PACE, as well as deputy
chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Together with Azerbaijani
counterparts, we have met with representatives of these organizations’
member states on many occasions. Most countries protect Armenia’s
position. The Armenian lobby has staged a successful propaganda
among them. The European parliamentarians clearly advocate Armenian’s
position. Armenians spend billions for this. But we limit ourselves
to mere words. Western world no longer adheres to the principle
of justice in national and territorial issues. With regard to the
phased conflict resolution, I do not trust Armenians. Will they
sign an official document to liberate five regions surrounding the
Nagorno-Karabakh? They will not relinquish the occupied territories
so easily. Deliberately dragging out peace negotiations plays into
Armenia’s hands. That is why I am pessimistic about the peace-making
process at this stage.

Q: Though the Turkish parliament raises the issue of recognition of
the Khojali genocide from time to time, it as failed to do so every
time. What is the reason?

A: The Turkish parliament lacks strength to recognize the Khojaly
genocide which occurred recently and before the eyes of the entire
world, because a parliamentary majority is held by the ruling party.

Q: What leverage does Turkey have to influence resolution of the
Karabakh conflict?

A: Turkey plays an important role in the BSEC, the OSCE and other
international organizations. Turkey can become OSCE Minsk Group
co-chair. Some forces in the OSCE prevent this. Many blame Armenia
for this, but I think it is the United States that should be blamed.

Q: Why the West, supporting Armenia, not thinks about the role that
Azerbaijan and Turkey can play in the European energy security?

A: Everyone knows that the main pipelines which transport the Caspian
energy to the West will pass through Turkey. This means that Turkey’s
significance will increase many fold. The West fears that Turkey will
become a regional leader. So, it tries to keep Armenia as a lever
of pressure on Turkey. To counter this, Turkey needs to establish
a strong regional alliance with Azerbaijan and Russia. The West is
trying to worsen relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan in an effort
to exclude probability of such a union.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS