BAKU: "Afghanistan And Karabakh Problem Are Different Topics", MP

Dec 3 2009

Aydin Mirzazade MP Aydin Mirzazade has commented on the reports of
the Turkish press.

"I consider that publications in the Turkish press saying Turkey will
increase its troops in Afghanistan in exchange for the solution of the
Karabakh problem, are journalistic version. Turkey is a serious state
and I do not think that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will hold
talks with U.S. President Barack Obama this way. Afghanistan and the
Karabakh problem are different themes, deputy of Milli Majlis and
political scientist Aydin Mirzazade told, commenting on reports in
Turkish press today that Turkey will increase its armed presence in
Afghanistan if the US helps solve the Karabakh problem.

"Positive dynamics is currently observed in the Karabakh problem and
Azerbaijan continues its diplomatic activity in this direction. Of
course, we are grateful to Turkey as our strategic partner in
supporting our position on this issue, but I think it is not correct
to bind Afghans to the Karabakh problem. These are different processes
", -said the deputy.

As for possible increase of Azerbaijan’s military presence in
Afghanistan, Mirzazade replied: "If Afghan government appeals to us
with the request, I think we can consider this question. Afghans treat
Azerbaijani armed forces well, and we are always ready to help that
country to establish peace and stability. The number of Azerbaijani
military personnel has recently been increased 4-fold – from 25 to
100 people – at the request of the Afghan government.