Different Comments On The Athens Statement

Siranush Muradyan

04.12.2009 17:30

Under international pressure, Armenia was for the first time accepted
that the Karabakh conflict should be settled within the framework
of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, while the authorities try to
create an impression that the principle of self-determination is also
included in the statements adopted at the OSCE Ministerial in Athens,
coordinator of the Armenian National Congress Levon Zurabyan told a
press conference today.

"We are not trying to create an impression. The principle is really
included in the statement," Head of the Media Relations Department
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tigran Balayan clarified.

"There is no danger. What is important is that the principles has been
included in the document, and this is the first case Azerbaijan joins
a statement which refers to the principle of the right of peoples to
self-determination," Tigran Balayan said.