Exported labor: Research focuses on Armenian migrant workers in Turk

Social | 01.12.09 | 16:00
Exported labor: New research focuses on situation of Armenian migrant
workers in Turkey

Shakaryan presented the results of the analytical study on migrant workers
in Turkey.
By Gayane Lazarian
ArmeniaNow reporter

A majority of women in Armenia intent on doing migrant work abroad
choose Turkey, but very few Armenian men accompany them `to save their
wives’ honor’ and never choose to work for a Turkish employer,
according to a recently conducted research related to Armenian migrant
workers in Turkey.

A majority of women in Armenia intent on doing migrant work abroad
choose Turkey, but very few Armenian men accompany them `to save their
wives’ honor’ and never choose to work for a Turkish employer,
according to a recently conducted research related to Armenian migrant
workers in Turkey.

`A majority of women are critical of their husbands’ behavior and say:
`Why, in that case, do they let us work with Turks?” said coordinator
of Armenian-Turkish projects at the Eurasia Partnership Foundation
Artak Shakaryan, presenting the results of an analytical study `Ethnic
Armenian Migrant Workers in Turkey’.

The study, for example, cites the data of the Statistical Agency of
Turkey, according to which 17,549 citizens of Armenia received visas
to enter Turkey in 2000, and 14,672 returned to Armenia that year. A
total of 2,877 citizens of Armenia stayed in Turkey in 2000.

`In the period of 2000-2008, nearly 6,000 people left for Turkey and
chose to stay there. To this we should add the potential outgoing
migration in the 1990s and multiply it by two. It means that nearly
20,000 migrants from Armenia live in Turkey today,’ says Shakaryan.

Ninety-four percent of Armenian migrant workers in Turkey are women
and 150 in-depth interviews conducted among them show that women in
the neighboring country work as cleaners, baby-sitters, housekeepers,
sellers. Many also work at garment factories.

Women receive wages of up to $600 per month. They choose Turkey
because it is easier to get there, unlike other countries. They pay
only $15 to get a visa and $80 for a coach ticket.

Interviews conducted as part of the research are mainly anonymous. A
number of Turkish employers and state officials were also interviewed.

`Both Turks and Armenians think that their moral values are very close
to each other’s and the attitude of Turks towards Armenians is
essentially different than towards Moldovan or Russian women,’ says

According to him, for migrants today the problem is their children,
who do not attend school. Under Turkish legislation, only legally
residing people and citizens of Turkey have the right to attend public
schools in Turkey.

`Newborn children are also a problem. Such children usually have no
legal birth certificates. In fact, if they are taking the child into
Armenia they cannot cross the border. Armenian children born in Turkey
remain hostages,’ says Shakaryan.

The analytical study was commissioned by the Eurasia Partnership
Foundation and conducted by Istanbul-based Armenian analyst Alin
Ozinoglu, in the period from April to August 2009.

Shakaryan says that the issue of prostitution was also studied. It is
mainly pointed out that Armenian women are not competitive with
Slavonic-looking women. But there is also a psychological thing – an
Armenian prostitute for a Turkish man is a different thing. Many
Georgian prostitutes introduce themselves as Armenians in order to
make more money.

`This research exposes a number of problems. Our goal is to show to
the society the situation of Armenian migrants in Turkey. It is also a
step towards a better understanding of Armenian-Turkish problems and
presenting them to the Armenian-Turkish commission to be set up in the
future,’ Shakaryan told ArmeniaNow.


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