Vice Speaker Of Turkish Parliament: "If The Process Of Liberation Of


07 Dec 2009 11:59

"We will always fulfill terms dictated by the slogan "One nation,
two countries"

Ankara. Mayis Alizadeh – APA. Vice Speaker of the Turkish parliament,
member of the ruling Justice and Development Party Sadik Yakut’s
interview to APA

– On October 21, the Turkish parliament held general hearing on the
Turkish-Armenian protocols signed in Zurich on October 10. Then
the protocols were sent to the Foreign Relations commission. How
is the current situation and how long the commission will discuss
the protocols?

– The formula of "One nation, Two countries" between Turkey and
Azerbaijan is still in force and no one can break this formula. We
are the people of one nation living in the different geographies.

Rapprochement between our countries has rapidly developed in the
different spheres in recent years. On the other hand, it is reality
that our countries have friendly relations with their neighbors. From
this point of view, Justice and Development Party (AKP) government
wants to see Turkey as a country with zero-problem with its neighbors.

Earlier they said Turkey was surrounded with a sea from three sides
and with enemy from four. We lifted this kind of thoughts and made it
our purpose to create opportunity for the Turkish citizens to freely
travel anywhere. We should have cultural, political and economic
relations with our neighbors. This is our policy pursued since 2002.

Armenia is our neighbor on borders. We all know about the problems
between Armenia and Azerbaijan. While intending to normalize relations
with Armenian, we have to defend rights of Azerbaijan, "one nation,
two countries" with us. Our authorities made statements toward this as
well. We will keep all our promises, no one can doubt it. The protocols
came to the parliament and are waiting now at the commission. But there
can not be talks on the development of relations with Armenia without
solution of Karabakh problem. Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey
promised it at both Turkish and Azerbaijani parliaments. Therefore let
our Azerbaijani brothers and compatriots not to worry. Both Turkey
and Azerbaijan should make their economic and cultural relationship
as possible as higher. We have to rapidly lift any gap created in the
past. The governments and parliaments shouldn’t delay necessary steps
to develop social, political, economic and cultural relations. We
have to attach great importance to the joint education projects. If
we strengthen mutual assistance and cooperation, we will together
take place among the honorable countries in the world.

We should establish normal relations with the neighboring countries,
strengthen our unity with the countries, which had similar language
and culture in the past. In this case we will take our decent place
in the competition of nations in the world.

-You viewed the relations from the broad prospect. High-level
Turkey-Azerbaijan relations automatically make both countries strong
in the region. Isn’t it high time to improve these relations with
concrete contracts?

-Azerbaijan should be strong, our relations should improve more,
so that Turkish Republic can be strong in the region. Other
Turkic-speaking states should also be strong. We can understand one
another without mediators, we have similar customs, traditions,
mentality. This is very important. We rejoice at or grieve over
one and the same event. Therefore it should not be difficult for us
to develop our cultural and political relations together with our
economic relations.

-Isn’t it one of the best forms of cooperation to improve the relations
through parliaments?

-A decision has been made to establish Turkic-speaking states’
Parliamentary Assembly. Its first step was made in Baku. It is very
important to achieve a unity of language in the process important for
all the Turkic-speaking states. If we move forward this way, we will
solve the other problems more easily. Implementation of joint projects
in education is also important. Joint teaching programs should be
prepared for brotherly countries. Our teachers should get ready to
teach in the brotherly countries basing on these programs. We should
focus attention on the unity of language. I believe we will achieve
it. It will take some time, but our socio-political unity will be
strong and eternal.

-And again about the protocols. Is there a compulsory term for the
discussion and adoption of these documents in the parliament?

-No, there is not. According to the regulations, there is no compulsory
term for the discussion in the parliament. We are exchanging views
with our Foreign Ministry concerning the protocols.

There are promises and stipulations – the protocols will not be
discussed in our parliament, unless the process of the release of
the occupied Azerbaijani territories begins. We will always fulfill
the terms dictated by the word "One nation, two states". No one must
doubt it.