Chinese Language And Culture Competition In Yerevan


2009-12-07 16:54:00

ArmInfo. Chinese Language and Culture Competition was held at Confucius
Institute in Yerevan on Monday.

Confucius Institute Director (representing the Armenian party) Naira
Grigroyan told ArmInfo a total of 22 students of Confucius Institute
and V. Bryusov Yerevan State Linguistic University (YSLU) participated
in the competition. Minor students of the Confucius Institute at the
age of 7-15 also participated in the competition. N. Grigoryan said
that the Juries comprising Chinese Ambassador to Armenia Hong Jiuyin,
President of the Armenian-Chinese Association Henrik Grigoryan, YSLU
Pro-rectors Mkrtich Avagyan and Gabriel Balayan announced the winners:
1st place – Artur Petrosyan (Confucius Institute), 2nd place – Armine
Haroutunyan (YSLU) and 3rd place – Ani Grigoryan (15 year-old student
of Confucius Institute).

"The Juries, including the Chinese Ambassador, welcomed the idea of
the competition, since it increases interest in the Chinese culture
and history," she said. The competition will be held every year.

Confucius Institute was founded in Yerevan in late February 2009 and
has a total 47 students.