House-Senate Conferees Approve $41 Million Aid For Armenia And $8 Mi

10.12.2009 11:20

Finalizing its work on six different appropriations measures,
the Conferees in the House and Senate approved a Consolidated
Appropriations Bill for 2010, which provides $41 million for Armenia
and $8 million for Nagorno Karabakh, reported the Armenian Assembly
of America (Assembly). The bill also maintained parity with respect
to Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to Armenia and Azerbaijan at
$3 million each. The Conferees did not delineate funding to either
country regarding International Military Education Training (IMET).

"The Assembly appreciates the continued support of its friends in the
House and Senate in helping secure a positive outcome," said Assembly
Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "Given Turkey’s ongoing blockade of
Armenia, which is reinforced by Azerbaijan, U.S. assistance remains
critically important," added Ardouny.

The Conferees stated that they "expect the Department of State to
continue to emphasize the use of civil society in implementing programs
and activities in Armenia." The $41 million approved reflects a $7
million drop from the Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 level, but is $11 million
over the Administration’s request.

On assistance to Artsakh, the "conferees directed that up to
$8,000,000 be made available for programs and activities in
Nagorno-Karabakh." This matches the level of funding allocated by
Congress in FY 2009.

With the work of the Conferees completed, the full House is expected
to vote on the Consolidated Bill as early as this friday. Once voted
on by the House and Senate, the Bill will be sent to President Barack
Obama for his signature into law.