Names of prominent Jews of Armenia may be immortalized in Yerevan

Names of prominent Jews of Armenia may be immortalized in Yerevan Victory Park
13.12.2009 17:03 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Names of prominent Jews of Armenia may be
immortalized in Yerevan Victory Park. President of the Jewish
community of Armenia Rimma Varzhapetyan visited Jerusalem to attract
funding from Jewish National Fund (KKL).

"In March, with support of the Jewish National Fund in honor of 60th
anniversary of Israel’s independence the Alley of Friendship was
opened in the Victory Park in Yerevan," deputy general director of
the Jewish National Fund Yigal Yassin said. Saying that Ms.
Varzhapetyan suggests to implement a number of projects in Armenia,
Yigal Yassin mentioned, that `at the moment we are studying these
proposals, but we cannot yet give any positive or negative response".

However, as IzRus reported, quoting Yigal Yassin, preference is given
to immortalizing the prominent figures of Jewish Diaspora in Israel.