Samad Seyidov: PACE Has Decided To Activate The Subcommittee On Nago


14 Dec 2009 19:20

Baku. Lachin Sultanova – APA. The implementation of the resolution
#1416 on Nagorno Karabakh conflict adopted by the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in 2005 has been discussed at
the meeting of the PACE Bureau in Paris today, head of Azerbaijani
parliament’s delegation to PACE Samad Seyidov, who attended the
meeting, told APA.

PACE President Lluís Maria de Puig said the negotiations on the
settlement of the conflict were going on.

"PACE President said there a Subcommittee on Nagorno Karabakh and
asked whether there was a need to include actively this issue into the
agenda. I made a detailed speech and said Nagorno Karabakh problem
should always be on the agenda of the Council of Europe. The more
this issue is discussed not only in the Subcommittee, but also in
the committee on conflicts, political affairs committee, monitoring
committee, PACE’s plenary meetings, the more it is important for us. I
think the Bureau members agreed with me that Nagorno Karabakh issue
should be activated and approached delicately, as the negotiations
continue. We are not the organization replacing the Minsk Group, Minsk
Group is doing its work, we should exchange views in the Council of
Europe on Nagorno Karabakh problem, include objective facts into the
agenda and raise awareness," he said.

The parliamentarian said most members of the Bureau had expressed their
views on the issue and a common decision had been passed in the end.

"Though the decision has not been written on paper, it says that the
work of the Subcommittee on Nagorno Karabakh should be activated,
the issue should be discussed again in the January session. It was
also discussed how the Council of Europe might deal with this issue
and the implementation of the resolution on Nagorno Karabakh," he said.

To the question "Was the election of the new chairman of the
Subcommittee on Nagorno Karabakh discussed?" Samad Seyidov said PACE
President supervises the committee.

"The activation of the issue means that it will be discussed again in
the January session. The question is the activation of the committee,
discussion of the issue in other committees, rather than the election
of the chairman," he said.