Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan to set up common economic space by 2012

Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan to set up common economic space by 2012

19.12.2009, 17.00

AK BULAK HOTEL, near Almaty (Itar-Tass) – Presidents of Dmitry
Medvedev of Russia, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus and Nursultan
Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan have agreed to set up a common economic space
by January 1, 2012.

This is said in a statement the three heads of state issued at the end
of Saturday’s informal summit.

`We’re committed to a further deepening of integration processes in
the space of the Eurasian Economic Community and as the next
objective, we confirm our willingness to setting up a common economic
space to embrace the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan
and the Russian Federation by January 1, 2012,’ the statement.