Open Letter To Lyudmila Sargsyan


Dec 21 2009

Today the Social Democratic Hnchkayan Party’s (SDHK) "Sargis Tkhruni"
student’s youth union has sent an open letter to the ex-Chairwoman
of the party Lyudmila Sargsyan. Below the content if the letter
is presented:

"Ms. Sargsyan we right this letter with pain and sorrow as we never
thought that there will come the time that we will keep in touch with
you through press only, as with a person who is far from its party
and its sources. Yes, during the last 6 months of your activities you
pushed yourself out of Your Mother Party. You can announce everywhere
that you are Hnchak, but you know better that it’s not the words that
make the person Hunchak but the deeds and the belief.

We, the youths of Tkhruni passed with you a way which is completely
depicted in the marching song of the SDHK called "Give me your hand
my friend".

You renounced and forgot the rule number one to solve any problem
only through a meeting. How many interviews did you give to the press
insulting and offending your friends of the same party, friends with
who you had passed a very long way?

And you without blushing announce that we the youngsters are corrupted
and are not able to make judgments. You announce without feeling bad
that the authorities have bought us. But unlike you we do not betray
the way we passed together, and only that is the reason why we do
not go deep into the details.

You can pass over any sacred thing for the sake of you chair, to blame
us in betrayal. Yes we are the "Judas" who have always been with you
and on your back, next to you when you where in a bed situation. We
respect you but we adore the Hunchak party.

Leave us, for god’s sake leave us, do not oblige our party and do
not despise the way the way we passed together. One chair is not more
expansive than the whole party. You are accepted neither in Armenia
nor in Diaspora. Do not try to receive the label of betrayer and
splitter, it is a label that is given with difficulty but is never
and never forgotten", – the letter said.