Armenian, Turkish Journalists Need A Direct Link


Dec 21 2009

"Both Armenian and Turkish media lack for mutual sharing of views,"
told journalists a turkilogist Artak Shakaryan, referring to the visit
of top Turkish reporters and editors to Armenia on December 17-20.

The meeting between Armenian and Turkish media was held in the
framework of the project by Eurasia-Cooperation Fund in assistance with
the Global Political Trends Center. It was funded by the Government
of Norway, and USAID. Artak Shakaryan said the project had a key
objective to improve the Turkish and Armenia media neutrality.

The similar meeting between the sides was held in Turkey’s Bursa on
October 13-14.

"Turkish journalists mostly got information about Armenia on
Azerbaijan’s Russian-language web-sites, and Armenian journalists did
the same for information about Turkey," said the analyst stressing
the need of direct links between the sides.

There have been organized seminars on Armenian-Turkish relations,
the Karabakh conflict and item of Armenian migrants in Turkey for
Turkish journalists. Besides, some meetings and interviews with
Armenian politicians were also organized, said Artak Shakaryan.