Gurgen Khanjyan Second Time Received The Prize Of AUW


Dec 25 2009

This year the annual prize of Armenian Union of Writers has been
given to the prose writer Gurgen Khanjyan for the collection of
stories called "Letters in course".

As Gurgen Khanjyan mentioned in the phone talk with he has
worked for many years and thinks he deserved the prize.

"I am not that much amazed, but it is pleasant. Now I am working on
a novel, the plays always disturb me from aside. It would be better
if the plays left me alone at least for a half year, for me to end
the novel", – Gurgen Khanjyan mentioned.

G. Khanjyan mentioned also that it is the first case in the Armenian
Union of Writers that the same prize is going to the same person,
as he had already received the prize of presidency in the nomination
of Dramaturgy.

"This year that tradition was broken maybe it is due to the youth,
who at last managed to explain that the book is more important than the
prize, and it doesn’t matter whether he has received it or not before.

The prize should go to the best book. If someone is writing a good
book each year so he should every year receive a prize", – the prose
writer emphasized and expressed his special gratitude to the architect
Narek Sargsyan under whose patronage the collection of the stories
has been published.