Iranian ministry publishes list of 60 `enemy" organizations

Iranian ministry publishes list of 60 `enemy" organizations
05.01.2010 16:27 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence has issued a list of
60 international organizations and media outlets regarded active in
the `soft war’ against the Islamic Republic regime. According to the
Ministry, collaboration with media outlets such Radio Farda, British
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Human Rights Watch, Freedom House and
the George Soros-led Open Society Institute is considered criminal.

Following the protests to the alleged fraud in the June presidential
elections that gave Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a new term, the Islamic
Republic has repeatedly claimed that foreign powers are attempting to
topple the government through a `soft war’ or what the Revolutionary
Guards referred to as `a velvet revolution,’ radio Liberty reports.