TBILISI: Is Caucasus Bouquet possible?

The Messenger, Georgia
Jan 8 2010

Is Caucasus Bouquet possible?

By Messenger Staff Friday, January 8

Head of the Armenian office of the Caucasian Network of Business and
Development Artur Mkrtichian has stated that Armenia, Georgia and
Azerbaijan are creating new joint wine brand called Caucasus Bouquet
which will hit the market in 2011. He says this project is being
implemented as part of the Business and Conflict Programme with the
support of British organisation International Alert and the US Embassy
in Armenia. Six wine factories from Armenia and Georgia and five from
Azerbaijan will be involved in this project.

Azeri political analysts express their doubt and discontent. Parvin
Darabadi has told Azeri newspaper Echo that US and European
international organisations are trying to pretend that there are no
conflicts going on in this region at all and this is not the first
time this has happened. Azeri economist Fuad Rasulov also doubts the
viability of the project. He thinks it unlikely that any Azeri
business would cooperate with Armenia, which occupies 20% of
Azerbaijan’s territory.

Rasulov adds that one third of the total former Soviet grape harvest
was grown in Azerbaijan and even today Georgia buys Azeri grapes. A
revival of viniculture has begun in Azerbaijan, and new sorts of vines
have been brought in from France and Italy and are being cultivated.
Armenia has very limited prospects of developing such an industry,
Rasulov says.