Armenia Does Not Accept But Adjusts



After being ill for about two weeks, the 90% recovered (by his
own words) Minister of Foreign Affairs Vardan Oskanyan has met the
journalists today.

He spoke about four themes, starting from the February 20 visit
to Equator Guinea and the fate of the Armenian pilots. Of course,
Vardan Oskanyan would like to meet the President of Guinea, but no
meeting was programmed.

«They were depressed but did not complain of the physical state»,
said the Minister. By the way, Oskanyan had caught cold in Guinea,
as a result of which was not able no leave for Prague to meet his
Azerbaijani colleague. But the report of the OSCE fact collecting
group has not only been given to the Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign
Affairs in Prague, but also been sent to Armenia to Vardan Oskanyan.
The latter did not want to comment on the report before its official

At the end of the press conference Vardan Oskanyan referred to the
EU report about Armenia. Although there is the expression «occupied
territories» in it, according to the FA Minister, on the whole «it
is not a bad report». After that, to exclude the possibility of wrong
comments, the Minister explained that Armenia in against this kind
of expressions, but starting from 1993 in the international reports
about Nagorno Karabakh the same expression is used.

According to the Minister, these expressions do not mean that Armenia
is an occupant. «Can’t the Karabakh army occupy a territory? »
Vardan Oskanyan gave a rhetorical question and he himself answered it,
«Of course it can».


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress