International Armenian-Kazakh Union opens branch in Russia

International Armenian-Kazakh Union opens branch in Russia
17.01.2010 15:26 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The branch of Armenian-Kazakh Union of Friendship
and Cooperation NGO was officially registered in Novrosiysk, Russia.
The new organization will be headed by representative of Novrosiysk’s
Armenian community, Kazakh Colonel Marat Kazaryan.

As the Council of Atamans of Kazakh-Armenians reported to
PanARMENIAN.Net, the objective of the branch is to assist in the
strengthening of friendship and cooperation between people and Kazakh
organizations of Armenia and Russia and implementation of projects
aimed at economic, political-military, cultural and other partnership.
The branch will also contribute to establishing law and order,
preventing inter-ethnic conflicts, uniting Kazakhs and Armenian
Diaspora representative in the south of Russia to the benefit of
Armenian and Russian peoples.

It is planned to organize festivals of culture and art, conferences,
historical-patriotic events, as well as discussions over cultural,
moral, spiritual and political-military upbringing of young
generation. The organization will also launch activities aimed at
restoring and maintaining national, cultural and historic monuments,
including those established by ethnic minorities (particularly

The International Armenian-Kazakh Union of Friendship and Cooperation
is a private-run non-profit organization. Established on voluntary
bases and using the potential of peoples’ diplomacy, it aims to
promote friendship, mutual understanding, cooperation and strengthened
ties with Kazakhs residing abroad and development of multilateral
cooperation. The organization currently has 5 thousand members,
including 4000 ethnic Kazakh citizens of Armenia.