Armenian foreign minister rejects EU mediation in Karabakh talks

Armenian foreign minister rejects EU mediation in Karabakh talks

9 Mar 05

Yerevan, 9 March: The EU is not the OSCE Minsk Group’s rival,
Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has said. He was commenting
on the statement by the first consul and head of the economic,
political and information department of the European Commission
delegation in Georgia and Armenia, Jacques Vantomme, that the EU was
also responsible for the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict
as it included the South Caucasus countries into its New
Neighbourhood initiative.

Many international organizations, particularly which Armenia and
Azerbaijan have joined to, demonstrate an interest in the settlement
of the conflict, Oskanyan said. But the conflict should be settled
within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. Other organizations
should observe the process and be ready to render assistance at any
moment, the minister stressed.

At the same time, the minister regarded as normal that the term “the
occupied territories” had been used in the published EU report on
Armenia, given that this term was used earlier in the documents
prepared by international organizations. “But this does not at all
mean that we agree. Of course, we are against this phrase and have
always fought against this,” he pointed out.

Moreover, the Armenian foreign minister believes that in no case one
can draw a conclusion from this term that “Armenia is an aggressor”.
“The Nagornyy Karabakh army could itself occupy these territories,
couldn’t it?” the minister asked. He thinks that, as a whole, the EU
report on Armenia comprehensively reflects the relations between
Armenia and the EU, shows achievements and shortcomings of the
republic and is the good base for preparing the individual actions
programme. Armenia will report its priorities in the near future and
the aforesaid programme will be prepared on their basis, Oskanyan

“If scrutinized, the report itself directly and indirectly indicates
the spheres of cooperation. It points out the spheres where Armenia
lags behind and what should be done. That is why, it would be correct
to include these spheres along with the priorities,” the Armenian
foreign minister said. A visit by the foreign minister or his deputy
to Brussels is expected as well, he added.