Azerbaijan Makes Row Before Every Election in NKR


STEPANAKERT, MARCH 12. ARMINFO. Azerbaijan considers it its duty to
make illegitimacy row every time Nagorno Karabakh Republic is going to
hold an election, says Sergey Nasibyan, Chairman of NKR Central
Electoral Commission, commenting on the recent statement of Azeri FM
official Tair Tagizade.

He says that Karabakh Armenians have resolved their problem in
compliance with the international law by proclaiming independence in
1991 and by regularly holding presidential, parliamentary and
municipal elections. Many observers say that elections in NKR are much
better organized than in Azerbaijan.

The June 19 parliamentary elections are the fourth such elections in
NKR. It will be one more step towards strong statehood and democracy
in NKR, says Nasibyan. He calls groundless Azerbaijan’s concern that
the elections can hinder the Karabakh peace process. The presence of
legal authorities in NKR will only stimulate the process. “I would
advise the Azeri authorities not to deceive themselves but to search
for ways to reconcile the two peoples,” says Nasibyan.