Diaspora’s Self-Organization

Naira Hayrumyan


The weekly "Business Week" published an article on February 4,
according to which "Armenians, who are citizens of Armenia, consider
that the Armenian Diaspora which for many years helped its historic
homeland is now not very concerned about its problems". The author
of the article is Ruzan Hakobyan, and she refers to the words of the
writer, publicist Perch Zeytuntsyan who says that the Diaspora is too
concerned about the issue of international recognition of the Genocide.

Publications about the possible split between Armenia and the Diaspora
appear in the press periodically starting from the moment when the
Diaspora voiced its disagreement with the process of establishment
of relations between Armenia and Turkey. The difference in approaches
to the issue of genocide between Armenia and the Diaspora is obvious:
Serge Sargsyan has repeatedly stated that Armenia has no territorial
claims against Turkey, with which disagrees the Diaspora. Perhaps
because of the reason that the attitude of a post-Soviet country to
land ownership is somewhat different than in other countries which
are based on ownership.

The first reaction of the Diaspora was outrage which was evidenced
during the pan-Armenian tour of Serge Sargsyan who almost always
met protests. Diaspora offered not to abandon the establishment of
relations with Turkey, but to bring it to reasonable demands. The
second reaction was the TV marathon, during which the Diaspora did
not actually even give money for the restoration of Shushi. Then came
time for self-organization. Apparently, the Diaspora is now trying to
assess the situation, to take adequate measures. Traditional methods
of cooperation with the Armenian government and its total disregard
exhausted themselves.

If previously, the diaspora could be considered as a political entity
only in tandem with Armenia, it is now attempting to organize as an
independent political unit. To achieve its goals, this unit can either
cooperate with the authorities of Armenia, and to act separately from
it and even contrary.

>>From February 28 to March 2, the international organization Policy
Forum Armenia (PHA) will carry out the second annual conference
"Relations between Armenia and Turkey" which will take place in

Recall, a meeting between the U.S. Sate Secretary Hillary Clinton and
the representative of the Armenian organizations in the U.S. will take
place to discuss the Armenian and Turkish relations. The meeting will
bring together organizations that supported the government of Armenia
in the Armenian-Turkish issue, The Armenian Assembly of America,
Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), Eastern and Western Diocese
of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the United States, The Knights
of Vardan and the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) .

However, ANCA Chairman Ken Khachikyan sent a letter to Clinton. "This
event, which deliberately excludes many prominent members and spiritual
leaders of our traditional community based on their attitudes and
values, will be an extremely negative precedent. Our participation
in this meeting in terms of such restrictions would not make sense",
emphasized Ken Khachikyan in his letter.

The Forum of Armenian Organizations in Europe voiced its support of
the course of the Armenian authorities. However, the most influential
organizations in Europe continue to present claims against Turkey.

The Russian Diaspora, as before, has an amorphous position on political
issues. Recently it was reported about the opening of Armenia TV
under the auspices of the Union of Armenians of Russia.

Regarding the position on the Armenian-Turkish relations, Ara
Abrahamyan many years suggests that we should apply for Turkey in an
international court and bring the genocide from the political to the
legal space.

Recall also that the California court has recently decided to pay
8 thousand dollars to descendants of victims as compensation to the
insurance company AXA. The Turkish government established the Ministry
of Diaspora which intends to fight with the Armenian Diaspora, which
is perceived by Ankara as enemy number one.