President Serzh Sargsyan Received The First Deputy Prime Minister Of

Feb 5 2010

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan received the First Deputy Prime
Minister of the Russian Federation, Russia’s National Coordinator
for CIS issues Igor Shuvalov. In 2010, Russia will be presiding in
the Commonwealth of Independent States.

President Sargsyan said that year 2009 was very productive for the
development of the Armenian-Russian relations and added, "We have
registered progress in almost every area. 2010 has started pretty
vigorously as well: I have already had two meetings with the President
of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RF
visited Armenia in January, and now we are welcoming you in Armenia.

We regard our relations with optimism and we believe that we can
strengthen our relations by daily work."

The First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia agreed that relations between
Armenia and Russia develop dynamically. "Recently, you’ve made a very
successful visit to Russia," Igor Shuvalov said and noted that the
purpose of his visit to Armenia is to discuss upcoming activities
of the CIS in 2010 under the Russian chairmanship. "We have already
established the agenda of our chairmanship, and it is pretty full. I
was instructed by the leadership of the Russian Federation to discuss
agenda items with the Armenian authorities and establish closer
working relations with my counterparts," Igor Shuvalov stressed.

Serzh Sargsyan expressed confidence that Russia’s chairmanship at the
CIS will be efficient and productive for the further strengthening
and development of the Organization.

At the meeting the parties discussed bilateral issues, as well as
issues pertinent to the Armenian-Russian cooperation in multilateral
settings and organizations. President Sargsyan noted with satisfaction
the high level of cooperation of the two countries and expressed
confidence that the elimination of the repercussions of the global
economic and financial crisis, persistent work and doubled efforts
would open new opportunities for bilateral cooperation in 2010.

Igor Shuvalov conveyed to the President of Armenia invitation of the
President of the Russian Federation Dmitri Medvedev to participate at
the festive events in Moscow, dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of
victory in World War II. In his turn, President Sargsyan noted that
Armenia too is planning to conduct a series of events dedicated to
the 65th Anniversary of the conclusion of the WWII.