Turkey Honors Dink’s Murderers


Feb 5 2010

Turkey keeps on honoring the assassinators. For instance, Ogun Samast –
killer of Agos daily chief editor Hrant Dink got married being in jail.

According to Turkish Ihlassondakika website, Samast married with
Selma Sahin being in strongly guarded Kojaeli prison. The wedding
was arranged by village headman Acakesey Mevlut Akdeniz who was also
the usher. Samast’s relatives also attended the ceremony. Security
officers were groomsmen.

As NEWS.am reported earlier, Erhan Tuncel accused of killing Agos
daily chief editor Hrant Dink applied for the position in state
security service.

Tuncel was put to Tekirdag court under cordon for an interview and
thereafter was taken back to prison. He will be contacted for the
feedback within three days.