Armenia-Turkey Relations Was Key Issue Raised By Davutoglu In Munich

11:45 ~U 08.02.10

Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoglu, who is attending
the 46th Security Conference in Munich, met with U.S. Deputy Secretary
of State James Steinberg and Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs
Micheline Calmy-Rey on the sidelines of the conference, reports
Anadolu Ajansi.

According to Davutoglu, the key issue discussed during the meetings was
the latest developments in the process of normalizing Armenia-Turkey

With Calmy-Rey, Davutoglu spoke of the recent Armenian Constitutional
Court ruling on the Armenia-Turkey Protocols, while presenting Turkey’s
position on the matter. With Steinberg, Davutoglu discussed possible
developments in U.S. Congress approving a resolution that recognizes
the Armenian Genocide.

Referring to the court ruling, as well as the future of the process
of normalizing relations, the Turkish foreign minister announced that
the Turkish side is prepared to continue the process on the basis of
the previously outlined principles and agreed-upon obligations.

"We hope that the process will continue in the reasonable spirit of
the perspective we envisioned from the beginning, and as a result, a
new system of peace and stability will come about in the region useful
for the Turkish and Armenian peoples, for Turkey and Armenia, as well
as for all the people and nations in the region, and for Azerbaijan.

"We will never discontinue our efforts in that issue, and so that that
process doesn’t cease, we are resolute in the issue of continuing
in those principles which were defined from the beginning," said