President wishes Barack Obama pronounced the word ‘Genocide’

Armenian president wishes Barack Obama pronounced the word ‘Genocide’

2010-02-14 10:39:00

ArmInfo. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said in his interview with
Al Jazeera he wished US President Barack Obama pronounced the word

Asked of US President Barack Obama’s statements concerning the issue
of the Armenian Genocide during his election campaign, Serzh Sargsyan
replied that the US leader stayed loyal to his word and did not change
his opinion though he did not react to this problem to the extent he
did before being elected president. In addition, asked whether he
wished Barack Obama had pronounced the word "Genocide", the Armenian
president replied: "Of course".

To recall, despite his numerous promises to recognize the Armenian
Genocide during the pre-election campaign, Barack Obama failed to
qualify the events of 1915 as "Genocide" in his April 24 speech and
used the term "Mets Yeghern", which has no international-legal