BAKU: Kazakhstan has rare chance to declare about itself as mediator, Azerbaijan
Feb 13 2010

Kazakhstan has rare chance to declare about itself as mediator in Karabakh issue
Sat 13 February 2010 | 06:36 GMT Text size:

Rasim Aghayev Analyst Rasim Aghayev has voiced his ideas about
Kazakhstan’s possible role as the OSCE chairman in negotiation process
on the Karabakh conflict.

"I remember that the Kazakh President visited our region in period of
the first clashes between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. A comprehensive
plan on the settlement of the conflict situation in Nagorno Karabakh
was developed at the initiative and with active participation of
Nazarbayev in the early 90s. If there was any other politician in
place of Yeltsin in Russia who did not support this plan at that time,
the Karabakh conflict would have been settled and not moved to the
phase of the hot conflict", political scientist Rasim Aghayev said at
the session of the discussion club of the political scientists on the
first visit of OSCE’s new chairman Kanat Saudabayev to the South
Caucasus: opportunities and forecasts".

Kazakhstan will have a rare chance to demonstrate itself as a state
capable of mediating the international conflicts, especially because
it has a huge experience in this direction. Kazakhstan is interested
in a reliable transit corridor via the South Caucasus to Europe and it
is no secret that the unsettled Karabakh conflict is the main
hindrance on the way to implementation of regional transit and other
projects", Aghayev said.