EuroVision: Live from Yerevan, the national final review & results
Feb 14 2010

Live from Yerevan, the national final review & results [UPD]

posted by Evangelos Karageoras (Greece) on 14/02/2010, 20:29
source(s): ARMTV.AM

Hello and welcome to the Oikotimes’ text-casting of the Armenian
National Final. Nine songs compete tonight, but only one is going to
be chosen. The winner is going to represent Armenia in the Eurovision
Song Contest 2010, held in Oslo.

The show has started and the first song for tonight is "Ays dzmer" by
Another Story. A rock song, which, as noted, might not move the
European audiences because they are simply used to the sound of it.
The only song in Armenian in tonight’s final, with a good stage
presentation. It’s being sung greatly and the backing-vocals are
simply fantastic. Might deserve the win.

The second song for tonight is "The mermaid song" by Ani Arzumayan.
Ethnic sounds on this one, with strings in the orchestration. Someone
might call it a bit "jazz", too! She’s dressed in black and yellow,
while her vocal performance is simply wonderful. Traditional clothes
for the backing-vocalists, while there is a Cello player on stage too!
Good luck to this one, too!

The next song for tonight’s final is "We must believe" by Meline
Beglaryan. A ballad, this one, which is a bit boring in the ear. While
it’s being sung beautifully by her, it simply wouldn’t go anywhere
past this national final. But, I guess we’ll see… Two female and two
male dancers are with her on stage, who are dressed in white. Good
luck to Meline…

One of the favourites, the fourth song! It’s called "Hey – let me hear
you say", and sung by Emmy and Mihran. A warm applause for them, as
they start singing! A beautiful performance by them, although it’s a
bit "icky", due to the nervousness of them, which is being shown on
camera too. But, it’s excusable! Shiny dresses for them on stage, with
a great presentation. They surely deserve to win tonight. This might
hit the top, it’s surely gonna collect many votes! The people watching
them are totally screaming! Good luck for this pretty duet!

A good piece of music the next song, although not in the favourites of
tonight’s final. Fifth song for tonight, it’s called "Infected dreams"
and sung by David Ashotyan. It’s a rock-genre song, with ballad
elements. He’s alone on stage. Dressed with simple jeans and black
t-shirt, while his performance is stunning! Perfect singing by him,
while the other participants are clapping their hands while he’s
performing (the green room is in the front of the stage). Good luck!

Next song, sixth for tonight, is "Countdown" by Nick Egibyan. It’s
sung well by him, although it’s getting boring for the audience, so it
might not go well tonight. He’s dressed in a strange colour
combination, in white and… silver, while his face has got silver
elements on it, too! Two female dancers accompany him on stage, and
their choreography is good, I must say! Not many chances for this one,
but I guess we’ll see. Good luck to him!

Next song for tonight is "Little red riding hood" (long title, isn’t
it?), sung by Maria Kizirian. A catchy up-tempo song with rock
elements, this one! She’s dressed in black, while the dancers
accompanying her are dressed in red. It’s performed pretty well by
her, despite her nervousness on stage. A favourite to win, good luck
to her!

Another favourite, the ninth song. Sung by Razmik Amyan, the song "My
love". He’s warmly applauded by the audience, which is very excited
for his presence on stage! It’s an up-tempo, dance song with ethnic
elements. Four backing dancers for him, and this catchy tune he’s
singing! A GREAT stage performance and presentation by them all, it
surely deserves to win the whole thing! Might it be? Might it be not?
We’ll see! Good luck to him and let’s move on to the last song for

The last song for tonight, which is the ultimate favourite of the fans
tonight. Ninth song, "Apricot stone" is the title. It’s being sung by
Eva Rivas, who is especially beautiful tonight! She’s wearing a white
dress, while she has two backing vocalists, a piano on stage, a
flutist and a guitarist accompanying her in this great performance. A
ballad start for the song, which is being turned to a fast, catchy
tune! They suuure want her to represent the nation, she’s the absolute
favourite. And she has got to be, while her stage presentation and
vocal performance is the best of the night! Good luck to her, I guess
she’s going to go pretty well tonight!

Up to this point, the voting has started! Stay tuned for the results!


The voting has ended and the results are in! It’s Eva Rivas that’s
going to go to Oslo, representing Armenia! Many congratulations to
her, as well as to the rest of the contestants!

Thank you for being with us in this text-cast. Oikotimes is going to
keep the live reports going, because you asked for it. It’s Vangelis
Karageoras, signing off!
