Interview Of The President Of The Republic Of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan


Noyan Tapan
Feb 16, 2010

"Frost over the world"

– Mr. President, the Turkish side claims that the Armenian side
protracts the process. What are the next steps after the Protocols
have been ratified by the Parliaments of both countries? What kind of,
so to speak, "happy ending" would you like to see for this process?

– At the moment the Protocols are at the Presidential Office, and
as soon as I am back to Yerevan, I will submit them to the National
Assembly to start the process of ratification. We are surprised, as
actually everybody else is, that the Turks think or claim that we are
dragging our feet on the process of ratification. On the contrary,
it is quite obvious that the Turkish side is protracting the process.

– The Turkish side is protracting the process?

– Yes, undoubtedly, because we have stated many times and the last
time it was yesterday, when I said that as the leader of the political
force which currently holds parliamentary majority, I rule out any
possibility of the Armenian Parliament not ratifying the Protocols
if they are ratified by the Turks without preconditions.

– Mr. President, what is next? After the Protocols have been ratified
by the Armenian and Turkish sides, what is the next step to bring the
entire process to its conclusion and normalize relations between the
two countries?

– After the ratification of the Protocols and their entry into force,
the border must be opened, after that an intergovernmental commission
will be established along with its sub-commissions, and we will start
the dialogue. Thus, by ratifying the Protocols we are not concluding
the process but rather we are launching a process.

– Actually, for you the ratification or opening of the border are
important for the purposes of trade as well as for obtaining an outlet
to the outer world. Do you think that border opening is important
for other countries too, for instance, for Russia or the United States?

– I believe, yes. That’s the reason why the US, Russia, and the
European Union support this process. It is not only about opening
the border; it is about establishing relations.

– Are you going to deepen your relations with the United States and
Russia, since you are between these two "worlds"?

– Yes, we have very good relations with the Russian Federation,
we are strategic partners. We both are present in many structures,
and our relations continue to deepen. We also have good relations
with the United States. The US is home to many Armenians who serve
as a natural bridge in our relations with America. The best situation
for us is when the US and Russia maintain good relations.

– As you rightly mentioned, many Armenians live in the US as well as
all over the world. Many Armenians have left Armenia, and today they
are supporting their families from abroad. Do you think of bringing
them back to Armenia, somehow?

– Certainly, and not only those Armenians who are supporting their
families and the Armenian economy, who left Armenia after independence
but also those Armenians who were spread all over the world in the
wake of the Armenian Genocide. Armenians help and assist us from every
corner of the world. In our estimate, today there are over ten million
Armenians in the world, and only three million are residing in the
Republic of Armenia. We would be happy, if the other seven million
come back to Armenia. We, of course, understand that it is hardly to
happen, however we want every Armenian born in Armenia to come back.

– What would you say of a President of the United States who says,
"America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian
Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be
that President."? It was said by Barak Obama. Is he responding? Is
he the kind of President that will?

– Yes, he did respond. Of course not to the extent he had promised
before he became the President. But he stated unequivocally that he
hasn’t changed his mind.

– Does it mean, you continue to anticipate his assistance?

– Well, if you mean that to articulate the word "genocide" or to
speak about genocide is assistance, then it can be put that way,
yes. I believe that it means to accept the truth, to speak the truth.

– Do you want him to say that word?

– Absolutely.