`An Ordinary Genocide’: Speaking of Sumgait massacres in RAU

Aysor, Armenia
Feb 27 2010

`An Ordinary Genocide’: Speaking of Sumgait massacres in RAU

On February 27, on the eve of the Commemoration Day of the victims of
pogroms in Sumgait, in Russo-Armenian (Slavonic) University was
organized a presentation of documentary films "Baku, January 1990" and
"Sumgait, February 1988" from the series of "An Ordinary genocide’. On
the presentation in RAU was present also the head of the project
famous journalist Marina Grigoryan.

"In our region, both the present and the future are mainly determined
by the past’, – noticed Marina Grigoryan. `No matter how hard we try
not to think about what our people experienced during the whole XX
century, we will not succeed in it, because what they have started at
the beginning of the XX century, they want to finish in the XXI’.
"Apart from the fact that we all need to know the history of our
people, the reason for the establishment of this cycle is that we all
want to live safely. However the guarantee of security can only be the
recognition and the correct assessment of the international community
in the acts that were committed in the past ", – she noticed.

Films from the series of "An ordinary genocide," tell of the genocide
acts, deportation of Armenians of Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh and
mass violence against the them. "The facts presented in these films
come to witness that these events occurred not only due to the
activities of individual criminal structures, but also because of the
intentional policy of the Azerbaijani government towards our
compatriots", – said the professor of the RAU Arman Saghatelyan,
introducing the film. "Much of what these people had experienced
before the death, we can not make public even today, because it is
really dangerous for the psychology of the normal people", – added
Marina Grigoryan, the author of the films.

The project "Ordinary genocide" is being implemented by the support of
the Information and Public Relations Center of the Armenian
President’s Office.