BAKU: West wants to bring Turkey to its knees before Armenia, Azerbaijan
Feb 27 2010

West wants to bring Turkey to its knees before Armenia – Azerbaijani analyst
Sat 27 February 2010 | 08:11 GMT Text size:

Vafa Guluzade News.Az interviews Vafa Guluzade, former state adviser
on foreign policy issues and president of the Fund of political
studies of Caspian states.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan hurries Turkey to ratify the
Armenian-Turkish protocols on normalizing relations, threatening to
withdraw Yerevan’s signatures under these documents. How would you
comment on this situation?

I think the policy of blackmail is used against Turkey. The United
States blackmail Turkey saying if it doesn’t open border with Armenia,
the US Congress will recognize the so-called `Armenian Genocide’ by
the Ottoman Empire. This is a pure blackmail, because no Congress or
parliament have a right to take decisions on historical events due to
their incompetence. In this case Armenia’s policy consists of the
following components. First, Armenia does not want to discuss the
issue of `genocide’ because it does not want to query these events.
Second, it does not want to recognize the territorial integrity of
Turkey. And third, it demands from Turkey to ratify the signed
protocols. This brings the thought that Armenia and Russia do not want
these borders to open. But they want to accuse Turkey, set it in an
awkward state both diplomatically and politically, that is to accuse
Turkey of the failure to fulfilled the assumed obligations and ratify
the signed protocols. However, it was Armenia that created all
conditions for Turkey not to ratify these protocols.

Armenian president also said that if Baku’s pressure does not allow
Ankara to ratify the protocols, nothing prevents the Turkish executive
powers to open the closed border of Armenia before ratification of
protocols. Do you think Turkey may take this step?

The very formulation of Turkey’s inability to ratify the protocols
under Azerbaijan’s pressure is absolutely false. Turkey is quite a
strong and powerful regional superpower that can ignore Azerbaijan’s
opinion if its national interests demand this. But West wants to put
Turkey on its knees before Armenia and thus cause negative events in
Turkey that may hit this country and split the Turkish public,
simultaneously parting Azerbaijan from Turkey to put these countries
into dependence on enemies. In the reality, this is what they want
from Turkey. The borders between Turkey and Armenia are de-facto open.
We know that places are flying and there is a bus communication, while
Armenian citizens can go to Turkey for work and rest. This is the
reality. Thus, such statements are just a pressure to put Turkey on
its knees. This is the part of the Christian-Muslim confrontation that
started after the USSR collapse. You see, the Cyprus problem is not
settled because Cypriot Greeks do not want to see Cypriot Turks to be
equal to them. They want them to be second category citizens.
Meanwhile, the Turkish citizens of Cyprus cannot take this for normal.
Greeks want to drive Turks out of the Cyprus since all these problems
started after Cyprus was annexed by Greece and these trends continue.
The last time when Cypriot Turks agreed to be within Cyprus and join
the EU, Greeks rejected this and joined the EU themselves leaving
Turks outboard. The same occurs in relation to the whole Muslim world.

The internal political situation in Turkey is not easy connected with
bringing the military leadership of this country to responsibility for
the alleged preparation of coup. What do you think about the events?

I do not believe that the military forces of this country were
preparing a state coup. This game that causes a split in the Turkish
society, has been made up by external forces that are playing on the
Turkish political arena since the Turkish army has always had a
mission and unless there was the Soviet Union, the army positions in
Turkey have always been very strong. After the USSR collapse the
statements `Why do we need Turkey in NATO, this is a Muslim state’.
NATO and the European Union are Christian clubs while now there is
Muslim Turkey. Turkey has fulfilled the role of West’s shield during
the nuclear confrontation between the USA and USSR. Meanwhile, now
Turkey that has bore these tensions for long is not needed. Therefore,
pragmatic West thinks `why should we deal with Turkey’. There are
already plans about how to cause a split in Turkey, how to create a
Kurdish state there and how to pass a part of its territory to

Considering the current strained internal political situation in
Turkey, will this country be able to sustain West’s pressure and not
to take rapprochement with Armenia?

I think Turkey will cope with it. If it does not cope with the Armenia
issue, the processes in this country will worsen. Turkey must stand.
Like Premier Erdogan said, Turkey is quite a strong and powerful
regional superpower and it is ready to stand any pressure. Turkey must
demand fair execution of provisions of the signed protocols by
Armenia. In particular, Armenia should disavow its territorial claims,
changing its Constitution. However, instead of it Armenia has already
adopted the decision of its Constitutional Court, which makes the
ratification of these protocols by Turkey impossible. Armenia should
annul this decision. In addition it should make a goodwill gesture
releasing the occupied Azerbaijani lands. But it does not want to do
so. West supports Armenia. Like it supports Greece in the issue of
Cyprus, the same way he supports Armenia in the issue of occupied
Azerbaijani lands. The issue is clear here. Let’s view the US conduct
in this view. What right does the US have to provide material support
to the separatist regime of Nagorno Karabakh. The political side of
this issue is rather more important than the fact of granting some $8
mln to the regime. It turns out that the leading superpower supports
separatism against Azerbaijan. America could also support Basks,
Corsicans or Irish separatists to see how Europe would react. Before
our eyes Americans conduct the policy against Turkey and against

What is the possibility of that the US President will not call the
events in Turkey as the `Armenian genocide’ in his traditional speech
of April 24?

I think he will not call this genocide. If he does, Turkey will leave
NATO. But first Turkey will put an end to the US bases in its
territory, including Injirlik base. Then Turkey will launch search of
new regional partners which will lead to its Iranian rapprochement. It
will also launch contacts with Russia targeting the United States.
Therefore, Barack Obama should think over this. Now, Iran has Syria
and Lebanon’s support in the Middle East. This thoughtless step of the
US government will promote Turkey’s participation in this bloc. By the
way, Azerbaijan will also join this bloc in such a case, because it
will follow Turkey.

Leyla Tagiyeva