Azerbaijan to use Lidice village’s symbol against the Armenians

Aysor, Armenia
Feb 27 2010

Azerbaijan to use Lidice village’s symbol against the Armenians

It’s the second time that at the memorial of fascism an event is
being held dedicated to the memory of victims of the so called
`Khojaly massacres" of 1992. The events that have been organized by
the Azerbaijani community in the Zech Republic have passed with
dignity, peacefully and without big interest of the society. The
inhabitants have always waited for tasting the Azerbaijani dishes with
happiness; the memory event is followed by the Azerbaijani

This year for making the Azeri guest feel happy the representatives of
the village decided to name one of the future streets of Lidice
Khojaly. Even the deputy of the Khojaly governor was to be present at
the ceremony together with the Culture Minister Vatslav Ridelbaukh,
the security of the event was organized by Miloslav Vlchek. But
everything was destroyed because of the Armenian ambassador who went
to the Foreign Ministry of the Zech Republic and the evening turned
into a diplomatic issue.

The thing is that the `Massacres of Khojaly’ that took place during
the war of Nagorno Karabakh are not investigated yet. It was a war
that isn’t ended till now and it threatens to start again. On 1992 the
Armenian troops occupied Khojaly but opened a humanitarian corridor
for the inhabitants. Later on the Azeri stated about 100s of corps
found there. The circumstances are not investigated yet. Each of the
sides insists on his point of view. The Azeri prove their view point
with terrifying photos and the Armenians, for example bring the
statement of the Azerbaijani ex president Mutalibov who in the
`Nezavisimaya Gazeta’ newspaper mentioned that all those things were
done by their own rivals in Azerbaijan. Till now it’s difficult to
find out who should be blamed in the massacres.

After having a meeting with the Armenian ambassador the director of
the memorial Chervencl confessed: `I didn’t have such kind of
suspects’. The mayor told to the Armenian ambassador that in all cases
the food tasting will take place.

The Ministry moovs aside

The Zech Foreign Ministry washed its hands from the event which was
going to break the PM Fisher’s visit to Armenia.
`We do not take part in it: they didn’t discuss with us and even if
they discussed we would advice to be more careful’, – the speaker
Philip Kanda said.

`I would call on the Azerbaijani side to make it an event dedicated to
the memory of the victims without any anti-Armenian activities. I
believe they will understand’, -says Chervencl. But he also promises
that the food tasting however will take place. `We’ll end everything
by the tasting of the Azerbaijani dishes.’