Two Turkish Delegations Sent To U.S.

March 1 2010

Two Turkish delegations left for U.S. to prevent the adoption of
Armenian Genocide Resolution scheduled for a vote on March 4 in the
U.S. Congress.

According to CNNTurk, the first delegation comprises Turkish Parliament
Foreign Affairs Commission Chairman Murat Mercan, representatives
of ruling Justice and Development party Abdullah Caliskan and Saban
Disli, Republican People’s Party MP Sukru Elekdag and Nationalist
Movement Party MP Mithat Melen.

On the second delegation are Turkey-U.S. Interparliamentary Friendship
Group headed by Justice and Development Party MP Suat Kiniklioglu.

Both delegations will attempt to persuade Americans that passing of
Genocide Resolution will deteriorate U.S.-Turkey relations.

Newly appointed Turkish Ambassador to U.S. Namik Tan also works on
prevention of resolution approval. Turkish Parliament also sent a
letter to the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Howard
Berman. The letter says that resolution’s inclusion in the agenda is
not in Armenia’s, Turkey’s or U.S. interests and steps impeding the
normalization process with Armenia should be avoided. In his turn,
former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey stated that resolution is likely to
be passed as President Obama undertakes no measures on its prevention.