Rug Sale Benefits Lexington School


Lexington Minuteman
s/business/x1595501980/Rug-sale-benefits-Lexington -school
March 1 2010

Lexington — On Jan. 16 and 17, George and Anahid Kazazian, owners of
Imported Oriental Rugs Sales of Lexington, helped organize a weekend
rug sale event with proceeds benefiting the Armenian Sisters Academy.

The school, which is located at 20 Pelham Road, opened up its gymnasium
doors to accommodate an old-fashioned Middle Eastern two-day bazaar. A
special collection of rugs made in Armenia were featured depicting
popular Armenian motifs such as the circle of life, the pelican/bird
pictorial alphabet, monasteries, and views of Mt. Ararat.

Turn out was steady as weekend customers took advantage of a tax-free
incentive sale along with a festive atmosphere created by volunteers
David Lagasse, Mathew Kelly, Nick Havan and David Najarian. Various
languages from around the world could be overheard throughout the gym
as customers walked around to view hundreds of thousands of rugs from
Asia to Iran to Eastern Europe.

"Go ahead, walk all over it, sit on it, who knows maybe it will fly,"
George Kazazian joked with a tentative customer.

Imported Oriental Rug Sale thanked all the families who attended,
particularly those from Lexington, and recognized Principal Sister
Cecil Keghayian for supporting the joint effort. State Rep. Peter
Koutoujian, D-Waltham, and his family was among the customers at the
weekend event.

Nairi Havan, of Lexington, who helped manage the event, recalled her
experiences at the Armenian Sister’s Academy.

"I was about 14 when my mother Anahid signed me up for private language
classes with the Sisters," Havan said. "Back then we sat in the
kindergarten classroom and stood up every time we were called to read
aloud. It was a special place. I’m glad I could return them a favor."

The school will hold its annual school bazaar on March 27.