BAKU: Armenians’ Fall To Be Painful – Azerbaijani Analyst

March 3 2010

Zardusht Alizade Political scientist Zardusht Alizade has commented
on the program on "Armenian genocide" shown at CBS channel.

"I am sorry about the Armenian people. They are like kids being
rejoiced with the program shown on the US TV channel. But I would
like to ask Armenians: why did they enjoy the program? Have Turkey or
Azerbaijan suffered from this? No. Has the mythical "Armenian genocide"
been recognized by Obama? No. Has an ordinary Armenian satiated
himself? Also no", said political scientist Zardusht Alizade commenting
on the program of "Armenian genocide" shown on the US TV chanel.

"Why then are they happy? Are they happy with the fact that Armenia
has affected Turkey or Azerbaijan? Well, and what? Instead of spending
money on US TV channels, the Armenian lobby should rather assist to
several poor Armenian families which would have been more useful for
the people", Alizade said.

"Armenians still do not understand what their western supporters are
preparing for them. Let’s them be happy, the fall will be too painful.

This poor nation has not yet taken lessons from events of 1915",
the political scientist said.

Armenians have recently started to be aggressive, therefore, we
should also react to their propaganda abroad. We must respond to
them with their method, that is to expose their lie via mass media,
scientific circles and political circles of the West", Alizade said.