BAKU: Ruling Party protests letter to "Nezavisimaya Qazeta"

Today, Azerbaijan
March 6 2010

Azerbaijan’s ruling party sends protest letter to Russia’s
"Nezavisimaya Qazeta" on publication of pro-Armenian article

06 March 2010 [12:15] – Today.Az

The New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) sent a letter of protest to the
Russian `Nezavisimaya Gazeta’ newspaper on the article by a certain
Sergey Zvyagin dedicated to the Khojaly genocide (`Khojaly: the Truth
and Falsification’), and published in the March 5 issue of the

The author, without any serious investigation and analysis, tries to
blame Azerbaijan in the Khojaly events and openly backs the position
of Armenians, the letter says. Zvyagin attempts to characterize the
Sumgait events (1988) and the intrusion of the imperial troops to Baku
(1990) as the massacre against the Armenians. The `journalist’ goes
beyond, accusing Azerbaijan in misrepresentation of these events and
noisy propaganda campaign it allegedly carries out together with

The New Azerbaijan Party urges on `Nezavisimaya Gazeta’ to be unbiased
in writing such complicated materials on ethnic conflicts and not
distort the facts. Such position misleads the readers, harms
reputation of the newspaper and contradicts the fundamental principles
of journalism, the letter underlines.
