Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Releases Statement on H. Res. 252

Targeted News Service
March 5, 2010 Friday 7:44 PM EST

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Releases Statement on H. Res. 252


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas (18th CD), issued the following new release:

Congresswoman Jackson Lee condemns the Armenian genocide that occurred
from 1915 to 1923 against the Armenian people. During this time the
Ottoman Empire killed an estimated 1.5 million Armenians and deported
an additional 2 million Armenians.

Yesterday Congresswoman Jackson Lee decided to give peace a chance.
Although she continues to condemn these heinous acts, she hopes that
she can work on legislation as this is the time to work with the
Turkish government to encourage voluntary action.

In her statement for the record, Congresswoman Jackson Lee stated:

"Throughout this debate, Turkey has maintained that it seeks
reconciliation and historical truth-finding. If these commitments are
to be believed, now is the time for Turkey to take meaningful steps
forward. At the same time, Turkey and Armenia must work together to
eliminate the climate of mistrust that is impeding normalization."

After the vote, Congresswoman Jackson Lee stated: "I am a friend of
both the Turkish and the Armenian people. We need to find a way to
foster collaboration, normalization, and reconciliation. To that end,
I will continue to work on the legislation going forward so that we
can address these concerns and help bring an agreeable resolution to
this issue for both Turkey and Armenia."

On March 4, 2010 the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted (23-22) to
send H.Res. 252: "Calling upon the President to ensure that the
foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding
and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic
cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record
relating to the Armenian Genocide, and for other purposes." to the

Contact: Sam Rosmarin, 202/225-3816