CNN Shows Scream Bloody Murder Documentary About Genocides


08.03.2010 13:48 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On March 7 CNN showed Scream Bloody Murder ,
a documentary about Genocides prepared by a known TV journalist,
Christian Amanpour. The author tells about the Armenian Genocide,
the Holocaust, the Genocide in Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur, as well as
the massacres of Kurds during Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq.

The Armenian Genocide (1915-23) was the deliberate and systematic
destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during
and just after World War I. It was characterized by massacres, and
deportations involving forced marches under conditions designed to
lead to the death of the deportees, with the total number of deaths
reaching 1.5 million. The majority of Armenian Diaspora communities
were formed by the Genocide survivors. To date, twenty countries and
44 U.S. states have officially recognized the events of the period as
Genocide, and most genocide scholars and historians accept this view.