Genocide Resolution May Help Nagorno-Karabakh Settlement

14:28 ~U 09.03.10

Russian analysts think the Armenian Genocide Resolution adopted by the
US House Committee on Foreign Affairs may play an essential role in
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement and may also signal to Ankara
that it must stop insisting to return the disputed areas to Azerbaijan.

In an interview with Russian online newspaper Gazeta, Vladimir
Zakharov, a senior scientist from the Caucasus Research Centre at the
Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations, said America actively
mediated the Armenia-Turkey rapprochement last year.

"Against the backdrop of the global recession, Washington, as well as
other regional players, wants to see a peaceful Caucasus. And for that
purpose, the US exerts diplomatic pressure on Turkey, which considers
the Nagorno-Karabakh issue an important aspect in its relations with
Armenia," said Zakharov.

Referring to the Armenia-Turkey Protocols without any preconditions,
the newspaper writes: "That means that Armenia does not tie recognition
of the Armenian Genocide to that document. Turkey, in turn, should have
withdrawn from its demand to return Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan. But
in 2010, it turned out that Yerevan has accepted those conditions,
while Ankara has not."