There Are Books And No Libraries


March 10 2010

In many communities of villages there is a serious problem with
the libraries as the governors trying not to make their financial
situation worse simply close the regional libraries or put them with
the school libraries.

As a result the students of the villages as well as the school children
who have a wish to read books are urged to face the non existence of
the libraries.

Within the last few years the Union of the Writers of Armenia presents
books to different regions of Armenia. The Armenian National Library
too presents books to other libraries.

"The regional libraries are left for the regions and the whole
paradox is that the ministry cannot interfere", – the head of the
public relations department of the Armenian Culture Ministry, Gayane
Durgaryan said in the interview with

According to G. Durgaryan they are working with the administrations,
in order to make them work with the heads of the regions, for the
latter to realize that closing libraries is not permitted.

"The Ministry of Culture as a body preventing the closing and selling
of the libraries has no rights", – mentioned Gayane Durgaryan and
added that it was by the decision of the Government that the regional
libraries passed to the regions and by the decision of the Government
that question should be solved.