BAKU: Baku Condemns Resolution Of Swedish Parliament

March 12 2010

Ziyafet Asgarov Resolution on recognition of so-called "Armenian
genocide" is upsetting, vice speaker of Azerbaijani parliament said.

The resolution on the recognition of the so-called "Armenian genocide"
in the Osman empire adopted by the Swedish parliament is upsetting,
said first vice speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament Ziyafet Asgarov.

"We condemn this decision of the Swedish parliament and naturally,
we cannot accept it", Asgarov told local ANS TV channel.

He considers that this decision adopted by the Swedish parliament is
based on double standards in international policy. "As is known, the
Azerbaijani parliament has repeatedly appealed to the parliaments of
the world countries and informed them that this Armenian ‘genocide’
is mythical. Unfortunately, double standards are still applied and
the parliaments of the world countries take such decisions without
getting any objective information and studying historical facts",
the first vice speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament noted.

"We call on the deputies of the world parliaments not to take such
decisions without studying the truth", he said.