Bill In The British Parliament Regarding The Armenian Genocide.


16.03.2010 19:59 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ John Torosian, the leader of the Armenian community
of Cardiff, said the measure on the Armenian Genocide Remembrance
Day was brought to the British parliament at the wrong time.

"This Bill could not have come at a worse time as an election is due
to be called very soon and there will not be enough time to pass
this Bill. Once Parliament is suspended and an election is called
that will be the end. Worse than that even if one MP shouts "object"
the bill will fail without it going to a debate. This is the weakness
of the system," he told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"There is no domestic way of bringing the recognition vote to the
commons unless the Liberal Democrats are voted in to Parliament as
part of a coalition government. Unfortunately even in the unlikely
event that the Liberal democrats come in to power we should be aware
that their position on the Armenian genocide will go the same way
as Obama. On a purely objective view the chances that an election
will not be called in the next few weeks is ZERO. If the Bill gets
to Parliament the chances that a Turkophile MP will not shout object
is ZERO," he said, adding that the other weakness of the Parliament
is that there are quite a few key political figures who are Jewish
and they have no desire to "Upstage" the holocaust.

"We are the subject of political ping pong once again. The previous
bill and the new bill which is very similar is bellow for your
information," he concluded.