BAKU: British Parliamentarian: Armenia Is Like A Headless Chicken Wh


March 19 2010

Day.Az interview with Mike Hancock, Member of the British Parliament,
member of the PACE Monitoring Committee and Committee on Political

Azerbaijan and Turkey say there is a direct link between settlement
of the Karabakh conflict and normalization of Armenian-Turkish
relations. Do you agree with this approach, or you think that these
two issues should be considered separately?

The problem is that these two issues are difficult to separate from
each other. This is very, very difficult situation. The U.S. Congress
decision on so-called "Armenian genocide" caused a strong anger of
Turkey. In my opinion, Americans have done very big mistake, and they
will feel sorry about this. I hope that President Obama will be able
to use his influence to prevent the ratification of this document.

This caused understandable concern in Turkey, since the U.S. returned
to possibility of approval of dubious historical facts.

This is only part of the problem. In my opinion, Armenia is like
a headless chicken that runs around in circles. They really do not
know where to run. And the more they pull, the less viable is their
country. They are more concerned about what happened a hundred years
ago. They have evidently lost control over the situation they face

Armenia’s economy is limited and it is actually mixed with that of
Russia. Unemployment reigns in the country amid growing external debt.

I believe that the Russian will soon realize the futility of investing
money in Armenia in terms of its interest.

The sooner the Armenian side understands that the solution to the
Karabakh conflict meets its economic interests (I am not talking about
political and historical interest), the sooner it will realize that
it is neighbour of a prosperous country that can make it as successful
as it is itself.

Those who say that people like the current Armenia President,
who personally, by force of arms, participated in the occupation of
Azerbaijani lands can’t give them back, seem to be right. Does it mean
that the progress in the settlement process can be achieved only by
changing the Armenian leadership?

In my opinion, it would be very nice if it was possible. But it is
better to know the mood of your enemy. Britain is a classic example
of this. We had to make friends with our enemies, particularly in
Northern Ireland. Today one of the senior officials in Northern
Ireland is the man who headed the campaign of terrorism against
Britain, killing thousands of people. More people were killed in 30
years than in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The only way to achieve a political solution is to bring these people
to your side. Sometimes you have to sit next to your enemies, the
people who conducted aggression against you, though it is unpleasant.

Britain had done so in many parts of the world: in Northern Ireland,
Cyprus, India and other countries. We always had to learn that if
you want to solve the problem peacefully, you should be ready to talk
even with those who are your worst enemy.

As you know, there is strong Armenian lobby led by notorious Baroness
Cox in the British Parliament. Do the activities of such persons
influence foreign policy of the UK in regard to the Karabakh problem?

I am pleased to say that not at all. Baroness Cox is a voice in defense
of Armenia. I also try to raise voice in defense of Azerbaijan in
the British Parliament. And I will continue to do so. The British
Parliament hosted an event devoted to the Karabakh events in late
February, and I was pleased to see how many members of parliament
signed a petition. In Britain, there is a lot of sympathy for the
fact that a country is deprived of part of its territory.

The British have special feelings for the people who lost something
very precious, including the Azerbaijanis of Armenia, who are unable
to return to their homes.

By the way, today UK has more sympathy and respect for Azerbaijan
than you think.

So, we conducted a series of events in the Chamber of Commerce. I
was pleased to see how many people visited them. We arranged a photo
exhibition which was visited by many people, including Baroness Cox.

In total, there were nearly 70 people, which is good for the Chamber
of Commerce. There were also wide-ranging debates.

Baroness Cox sees the problem from only one angle. This is wrong. I
hope that this approach will change soon. The sooner she arrives in
Baku, tries to speak and understand the people here, the better she
will understand the depth of wounds in their hearts. I think currently
she does not realize it in full.

Do not you think that the EU and the United Kingdom could play a more
active role in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict?

Yes. I think that your current president is the best that Azerbaijan
could have at present. He knows Europe, he is personally acquainted
with many European politicians due to his previous activities in PACE.

He makes a lot of visits and has an excellent command of English. I
myself recently listened to his speech in English in London that
lasted about an hour. I felt that he was the right man with whom
everyone in Europe would like to work.

This is a person who needs support. Azerbaijan is rich not only in
natural resources, but also the culture and mentality of the local
population to create a sort of bridge to Europe. I think it would
be very foolish on the part of Europe do not pay much attention to
South Caucasus and Azerbaijan in particular.

I believe that Europeans need to understand that it is better to work
with Azerbaijan than to show a negative attitude towards it. So, I do
not like criticism of Azerbaijan, in particular, from the opposition
inside the country, which itself avoids the election. I do not know
whether they have their political agenda, because it seems that it
all consists of one word "No". It does not help the country.

You have a government and it is legal whether someone likes it or not.

You have a president with a broad mandate, the president is popular,
and is popular because he has no alternative. In my opinion, he tries
to do what is best for Azerbaijan.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS