ANCA Activists Help Educate GOP Base At Ca State Convention

ANCA Activists Help Educate GOP Base At Ca State Convention
By Asbarez
Mar 19th, 2010

SANTA CLARA – Armenian National Committee of America local leaders and
volunteers from the greater Santa Clara area helped reach out to the
California Republican Party members at its recent semi-annual Spring
Convention. The ANCA hosted an exhibitor booth at the event where the
volunteers interacted with party delegates, leaders, and candidates to
better inform them about issues of concern to the Armenian American

`With the dynamic climate, it is important to constantly keep in
contact with the political party base,’ noted Ani Yenikomshian, a
long-time ANCA activist and leader from the south bay community. `Each
year, fresh faces attend these conventions and it is our chance to
ensure that they learn about the issues that speak to our community.’

The three-day convention was a hotbed of activity in advance of the
upcoming state primaries. With several open races, candidates and
their supporters were clamoring for attention. This also meant that
these groups were interested in learning more from the community in

`Many people came by the booth and had stories to share about Armenian
Americans that they knew in the towns from which they came, throughout
California,’ noted Arpi Siyahian, a southern California transplant now
at Stanford University. `It just goes to show you how important it is
for Armenian Americans to be active in the communities in which they
live and how the relationships they build do make a difference,
especially within the political scene.’

Notables attending the convention included the major GOP gubernatorial
candidates, Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner as well as candidates for
the US Senate seat currently occupied by Barbara Boxer as well as US
House and California State Legislature races throughout the state.

`It was great getting to know the delegates who attended the
convention and sharing with them the importance of issues like the
Armenian Genocide, US-Armenia relations, and the growing contribution
the Armenian American community makes to the Golden State,’ said
Siyahian. `Having been involved in the ANCA in the western San
Fernando Valley, it was great to see the same passion from activists
here today and I am excited to be a part of the growing ANCA team in
the Santa Clara Valley.’