Why was Vardan Ayvazyan Reprimanded?

Why was Vardan Ayvazyan Reprimanded?

15:19 – 26.03.10

At a press conference today, Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) press
secretary Eduard Sharmazanov, in the end, didn’t respond to the
question why HHK member Vardan Ayvazyan was reprimanded.

`But who said that he was reprimanded for expressing his opinion? Were
you there? And why should you know in detail? That is our party’s
internal issue,’ said Sharmazanov.

The HHK spokesperson denied media reports that Ayvazyan was
reprimanded because of proclaiming to protect Gagik Tsarukyan.

According to Sharmazanov, discipline is one of the guarantees of each
party’s success, and to take this approch is considered acceptable at
