SCR and Georgian railway develop joint measures to improve quality

SCR and Georgian railway develop joint measures to improve quality of
transport services

2010-03-26 11:40:00

ArmInfo. Meeting of representatives of SCR CJSC and Georgian Railway
LLC, headed by Director Generals Shevket Shaydullin and Irakli
Ezugbaiya was held on March 22-23 in Tbilisi. The parties discussed a
wide circle of issues concerning freight and passenger traffic,
information and communication technologies. SCR CJSC and Georgian
Railway LLC agreed to create a working group to deal with marketing
analysis and specification of measures on increasing the freight
traffic between Georgia and Armenia. Organization of the upcoming
seasonal communication Yerevan-Batumi-Yerevan has become the key topic
of the meeting. The parties agreed to form one train of the Georgian
Railways LLC registration and two trains of SCR CJSC registration, one
of which should be formed via switching of a passenger train of SCR
CJSC registration of Yerevan-Tbilisi-Yerevan direction to the
interstate communication Yerevan-Batumi-Yerevan. The parties also
agreed to vest 80% of "to and from" tickets for the passenger trains
Yerevan-Batumi-Yerevan in SCR CJSC. Participants in the meeting paid
special to the issue of reduction of the travel time of
Yerevan-Tbilisi train. Heads of the companies emphasized the
importance of experience and information exchange for further
deepening of cooperation, as well as creation of fairness and
competitiveness for both parties for improvement of quality of
transport services.

SCR CJSC is the 100 percent subsidiary of Russian Railways CJSC. In
February 2008 SCR obtained a concession of the state CJSC Armenian
Railway. The agreement of concession of the Armenian Railroad CJSC for
30 years with a 10-year renewable period was signed in Yerevan in
February 2008.