BAKU: Serious Chances To Reach Peace, Azerbaijani MP

March 29 2010

Asim Mollazade Armenians are imitating the continuation of negotiations
and do not take steps to reach peace, MP Asim Mollazade said.

A round table discussion on "Stability and security in the South
Caucasus, Nagorno Karabakh-search of ways for successful solution or
uselessness" has been held in Brussels.

The event involved member of the MM committee on international
relations and interparliamentary ties Asim Mollazade.

He noted that the main discussions were connected with the current
state of the negotiation process and the search of ways for the
conflict settlement:

‘I would especially like to note that Armenians are imitating the
continuation of negotiations and do not take steps to reach peace.

Today the legal nihilism is the main obstacle on the way to the
problem solution. We have put the liberation of Azerbaijani lands to
the agenda. There are also serious chances to attain peace.

To get this chance Armenia may force us use other ways to liberate
our lands. Therefore, Azerbaijan accepts the new format of the Madrid
principles and expects the same from Armenia. Only in this case will
it be possible to take steps for peace, otherwise, the situation in
the region will worsen’.