Armenian Authorities Double-Headed Dragon, Opposition Rep States

April 2 2010

"Many in the Establishment do not believe Serzh Sargsyan is able to
ensure the regime’s further existence. On the other hand everyone
is well aware the ship is sinking, and the situation is getting out
of control," Levon Zurabyan, Office Coordinator, Armenian National
Congress, told reporters on April 2.

Speaking of the ex-president Robert Kocharyan’s possible return to
politics, Zurabyan pointed out that "he finished his presidency with
murders on March 1, and on October 27 with the embezzled U.S. $4bn,
formation of an oligarchic system ousting of Nagorno-Karabakh from
the negotiating process, closure of A1+ TV channel," he said.

According to Zurabyan, Robert Kocharyan is the creator of a "state
of plunder" in Armenia, and if anyone thinks that "a person hated by
society could return to politics, that one is of very low opinion of
the Armenian people."

In conclusion Zurabyan said that Serzh Sargsyan is now representing
Robert Kocharyan’s interests, "but the problem is that, as Robert
Kocharyan thinks, Serzh Sargsyan has stopped doing it well."