BAKU: Azerbaijani Lands Should Be ‘Liberated’ Through War

April 2 2010

The 17th anniversary of occupation of Kelbajar was commemorated in
the Martyrs Alley.

The guests commemorated the martyrs who died for the sake of the
Azerbaijani lands, as well as innocent people who were brutally
killed by Armenians. The chairman of the Organization for Liberation
of Karabakh stressed the need to liberate lands by way of war in
his interview.

‘Kelbajar is a point which is extremely important for Armenians. For
this reason, the Kelbajar issue had not been discussed during the
negotiation process.

Later the issue on keeping Kelbajar as a pledge as the road between
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh lies via Lachin and Kelbajar was put on
the agenda.

This is its importance therefore, they do not want to return Kelbajar
which is of strategic importance. Kelbajar is of great importance to
us for its natural resources and strategic position’, Naghi said.