Exhibition of ancient Armenian manuscripts of Matenadaran in Lebanon

Exhibition of ancient Armenian manuscripts of Matenadaran opened in Lebanon

2010-04-03 10:12:00

ArmInfo. A solemn ceremony of Matenadaran manuscripts opening was held
in UNESCO hall, Beirut, in the frames of closing events "Beirut as the
world book capital 2009", Armenian Foreign Ministry informed ArmInfo.

Armenian Ambassador to Lebanon Ashot Kocharyan delivered a welcoming
speech, emphasizing Armenian-Lebanese cultural cooperation and
presenting information about Matenadaran. He also expressed gratitude
to Lebanese Ministry of Culture for the assistance. A representative
from Lebanese Ministry of Culture, chief coordinator of "Beirut as the
world book capital 2009" project Leila Barakat welcomed participation
of Armenia in the event, signifying the role of Armenian community of
the country’s life. Lebanese politicians, priests, ministers and
parliamentarians of Armenian origin, figures
of culture and journalists were also present at the exhibition.